Analyze and Improve your Supademo

Analytics are crucial to iterating and improving your Supademo. They’re also highly useful for identifying customers that haven’t been enabled, or narrowing your focus on highly engaged prospects.

In this module, we’ll walk through how to measure aggregate metrics by date or viewer type, narrow down on session analytics and leads for specific viewers, how to ensure this data flows into your CRM or marketing tool, and how this all ties in with features like email gating, dynamic trackable links, and variables.

This guided showcase will walk through:

  • How to measure aggregate metrics by date or viewer type — across Supademo and Showcases
  • Viewing session analytics and leads for specific viewers
  • How to ensure this data flows into your CRM or marketing tool

✨ 3 tips and tricks from the Founder

Tip 1. Tracking identified leads for a specific Supademo When you use an email lead form or use trackable links (either viewer-specific or dynamically via UTMs), you'll be able to track their views and engagement for that particular Supademo. Simply click into a Supademo's analytics, click "Lead data", and toggle "Display identified leads only" to see trackable viewers on one page.
Tip 2. Toggle analytics between Showcases, Supademos, date periods and more On your main analytics tab, you can easily toggle between Supademos, Showcases, data periods, internal/external viewers and much more!
Tip 3. Iterate on Supademos based on step dropoffs When you click into a specific Supademo's analytics, you can easily see dropoff rates between slides. This should give you an indication into the clarity of your hotspot text and the length of the Supademo. Try experimenting with this and ideally keep steps short and to the point for maximum completion and engagement!

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