Personalizing your Supademo

In today's B2B buying process, personalization is a must-have and can mean the difference between winning a deal or losing it. Luckily, Supademo has a wide range of personalization features to help you scale the efficacy of your product demos.

This guided showcase will walk through:

  • How to set up demo branching to let users 'choose their own journey'
  • Adding branding and design options
  • Customizing templates with dynamic variables
  • Tracking sessions and viewership with tracking links

✨ 3 tips and tricks from the Founder

Tip 1. Using both chapters and hotspots for demo branching Chapters are a great place to let users "choose their own adventure" - essentially letting them jump to the section or feature within the demo that they care about the most. A pro tip is that you can also add multiple hotspots on a single slide and let users jump to different steps based on the pointer they end up clicking.
Tip 2. Personalize for hundreds from one template demo with UTM parameters Using dynamic variables and UTM-based tracking links, you can use one template to personalize the demo experience for hundreds of users - which is great for marketing rollouts, automated onboarding emails, or sales sequences. Learn more about this in the Showcase demo called "Track viewers with UTMs" above!
Tip 3. Setting default themes for Supademo By adding a default hotspot theme, share page logo, custom domain and CTA, you can create a consistent look and feel for all Supademos created within your company workspace. Need to override this branding for a specific Supademo? It's as simple as clicking the settings within that particular Supademo and updating it with a separate logo and/or CTA.

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